Welcome to Lifestyle Medicine with Great Health and Wellness

What is lifestyle medicine? Everything we do daily can add to or subtract from our health. As a lifestyle medicine physician, my sole job is to make sure we make more deposits into our literal health savings account than withdrawals. Lifestyle medicine is not a windfall; it is not a quick fix. It works similar to an annuity or mutual fund. We make small deposits into our wellness every day, and over time those small deposits add up to significant results! 

Did you know that optimists live 11% to 16% longer and have a 35% reduction in heart disease (the #1 killer of Americans)? Our mindset is a critical component of lifestyle medicine and why our courses always start with a dive into the mindset around health and being healthy.

Our flagship course is the 5 Pillars of Great Health. Everything we have learned about lifestyle medicine has been distilled into digestible and actionable chunks to empower you to take control of your health and live with purpose and joy. The course is the essence of how I keep myself healthy based on extensive clinical literature.

T.J.'s Experience With The 5 Pillars

Dr. Harris' 5 Pillar System, quite literally, changed my life. After a 15 month stint working in North Dakota, I ballooned up to 245lbs and had developed horrible health and eating habits. Beginning with casual adherence to the system I noticed a nearly immediate change in my mood and overall health. After just two months and a greater understanding of the pillars, I have lost 30 pounds, and am able to get through a mentally grueling 14 hour work day with sustained mental acuity and an excess of energy. This is probably the single greatest investment you can make in your health available today.

Hello, my name is Dr. Richard Harris.

I am a board-certified internal medicine physician and pharmacist. I attended the University of Texas at Austin for pharmacy school then pursued medical education at the McGovern school of medicine in Houston. I have a client-centric view focusing on building relationships and trust through a comprehensive lifestyle medicine system. I am proud to know I have helped thousands find a better way to health and wellness. Lifestyle medicine has changed my life and the lives of my family members. It is the light that allows you to take control of your health and to live your life to the fullest. I pursued this path in holistic medicine because I became tired of treating symptoms and wanted to prevent and treat the root cause of illness. Enrolling in these courses helps me more than you will ever realize; I am now fully walking in my God-given purpose of healing and health transformation. Thank you for investing in your health!